So winter has finally disappeared and apart from the usual showers and occasional thunderstorm during Wimbledon the dry weather of summer is upon us.
But with the pleasure comes the pain, your car which has suffered through the dark days sits not so proudly on your drive wearing its overcoat of dirt and grime that you managed to convince yourself was good for it during those cold wet months.
It has to be cleaned !!
The prospect of washing it doesn’t daunt you too much, it’s a nice day and half an hour in the sunshine with a bucketful of bubbles isn’t the worst way to spend an afternoon.
Then there is the fun of spraying off the suds with the garden hose and watching them run down the path into the road and you secretly have a little bet with yourself just how far the stream will go.
But then…..its the nightmare part. Its hot, the sun is beating down and the race begins to whip out the shammy (other cloths are available) and dry off the excess water from the car before it evaporates away to leave that white mottled sheen on the paintwork and windscreen that is the scale elements in the water. It’s a race that is never completely won and leaves you sweating through the effort and speed exuded.
Harry has bought the Autoshine 10 , a demineralisation unit that he connects to his hose after rinsing off the initial suds. He then leisurely strolls around his car with a final spray over and then goes indoors to return with a nice cold beverage and sits admiring his handywork as his car dries to a spotless shine without a drying cloth in sight.
The Autoshine 10 removes practically all the dissolved minerals in the water meaning there is nothing to dry on the car paintwork and leaves it looking easily the cleanest shiniest car in the street and it can give up to 50 washes before it needs to be replenished.
Want to be more like Harry ?
Try it today visit
P.S. It also works on windows !